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Progressive Lenses And The Many Benefits Of Using Them


Updated: Feb 22, 2024

If you've just passed your 40th year and are beginning to have difficulties with readings or seeing anything too close, your optometrist might have suggested a pair of progressive lenses. But what exactly are they?

What are progressive lenses?

Progressive lenses are made by blending multiple prescriptions for your distance, intermediate, and near vision into one single lens. These glasses are also known as multifocal lenses. They're the updated version of bifocal and trifocal lenses, with a more seamless look. They aid you in doing near-work (writing and reading), middle-distance work (using the computer), and far-work (driving) without needing to switch out the pair you're wearing.

Progressive lenses can be used by anyone who has both distance and near vision issues but is primarily worn by individuals over 40 with “Laohua” (presbyopia). Essentially, people with this condition have blurred vision when looking at objects that are too close to them. Additionally, multifocal lenses could also be utilized by children to slow down the worsening of their myopia.

With advancement in technology over the past few years, new age progressive lenses have minimal side distortions with enhanced zones for distance and near vision.

But that's not all progressive lenses are good for. Here are some other benefits of wearing them:

1. You only need one pair of glasses

Often, people prioritize convenience over all else – glasses are no exception. Only owning one pair of eyeglasses is very helpful, especially for those with multiple vision problems. One pair of progressive glasses provides blanketed clear vision for many possible varying distances.

You no longer have to carry a separate pair when progressive lenses enable you to use them as both single-vision and reading glasses.

2. You get a more seamless look

Progressive lenses offer all the advantages of trifocal lenses without the unsightly trifocal line on display. Unlike trifocal lenses, the strength of the lens changes slowly as the eyes adjust. If you're afraid of sudden image jumps, that won't be a problem with progressive lenses. You are not likely to have to suffer from eye strain with the progressive lens' gentleness and subtlety.

Bifocal/Trifocal lenses make abrupt shifts in clarity because they don't contain the completely integrated transition between the different lens powers. If you use those lenses, a line separates each section and obstructs your vision. With progressive lenses, the lack of line allows for a more seamless look as well as a more seamless transition between the different powers.

3. You appear younger

Trifocal/Bi-focal lenses have lines that are often associated with old age. Because of this stigma, people can feel self-conscious about wearing lenses with bifocal lines. Progressive lenses, in contrast, don’t have these lines. The result is a look that is much more youthful and stylish. People tend to feel more confident when wearing them.

4. More choice of material available

City life requires the spectacles to be more than just a pair of spectacles. It will need to be able to have more functions to make us feel as comfortable as possible when we go about our daily lives. Hence, progressive lenses could be made using a range of new materials such as Transitions, Blue absorb, Chrome tint, and Polarize.


There are many reasons progressive lenses are the best lenses for both myopia and presbyopia. They're more convenient, look better, and don't strain your eyes as much. With the latest technology in Progressive lenses, Tailor Made Progressive lenses are now available to selected stores. Find the pair of progressive lenses most suited for you at The Eyes Inc; a trusted optical shop in Singapore and the preferred destination for all your eye-related needs. Contact us today to learn more!



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