Identifying symptoms of colour blindness is no simple feat in adults – a fact even truer for young children. However, when parents
are able to spot these signs, it allows for early intervention that can be incredibly beneficial for the child, especially for those set to begin their schooling.
Colour blindness comes in different forms, the most common of which is a red-green colour deficiency. People with this type of colour blindness find it challenging to differentiate between red, green, orange, brown, purple, and blue. There are instances where red-green colour blindness develops as people grow older; however, it is most often a genetic condition that occurs at birth.
As such, parents must be aware of what to look out for when they suspect their child is colourblind. Here are some of the most prominent signs of this condition in children:
1. When they use the wrong colours
One of the best ways to discern colour blindness in your child is to check their drawings and other artwork. This is the quickest method you can utilise to note the way they perceive the different colours. Check to see if they're consistently colouring in objects with the wrong colours. For example, are they using red for trees and blue for the sun? If so, it might be a sign that your child is colourblind.
You can also take note of their attention span when filling in colouring books. If they cannot focus on colouring or even following the colour-by-numbers pages, it might be because your child cannot distinguish the colours from each other.
2. When they rely on their other senses more
People are reliant on colours to describe what things look like. But for children who find it tricky to articulate the difference between colours, they'll try and use their other senses to do so. For instance, they may talk about an object's smell before they describe what it looks like or touch their food before tasting it.
Focusing on the other senses when trying to get a sense of their environment could be an attempt to compensate for their inability to see colour. Children tend to be adept at hiding colour blindness because of a fear of being viewed as different. Hence, it's crucial that parents are observant and supportive of their children.
3. When they are sensitive to light
In our eyes, we have special nerve cells that are needed for reacting to light, which includes rods and cones. Cones are what help us control our colour vision. There are three different kinds of cone cells that contain colour pigments. These pigments can react to short, medium, and high wavelengths, allowing us to see colour.
Conversely, rods consist of just one type of pigment with the same reaction no matter the light wavelength. They don't assist us in seeing colour but are more required for seeing in the dark. As such, they are highly sensitive to bright lights.
Children with colour blindness are much more sensitive to these lights. If you find your child squinting or flinching the face of bright lights, it could signify that they're colourblind.
4. When your family has a history of colour-blindness
As mentioned before, colour blindness is a condition that is most often inherited. If anyone in your child's family is colourblind, there is a chance they might be as well.
Children typically learn about the different colours before they turn two and can identify them on their own by age five. If your child finds this difficult to do past this age, it could be a sign that the condition has been passed down to them.
While there is no known cure for colour blindness that is inherited, there are ways to manage it. That's why parents need to be able to spot the signs and get their children the aid they need to lead a wholesome and healthy life.
If you feel you've seen any or all of the symptoms above in your child, a general eye check-up in Singapore to get your child tested for colour blindness would be in order. Visit us at The Eyes Inc., your one-stop shop for finding the solution to any eye-related needs. Contact us today to learn more.