Progressive lenses
Common questions/queries we get from clients
Which brand is better? X, Y or Z?
I want the best progressive lenses in Singapore.
Are there any Progressive lenses with no distortion?
Why I can't see the desktop computer with my progressive lenses?
The answers to these questions are found in this quick 1 min read.
A pair of progressive lenses have multiple prescription zones, conveniently called the distance, intermediate & reading zone.
There's currently 6 types of progressives lenses in the market.
(Basic, Wide Angle, Office, Wide Angle Office, Customized Laptop, Customized Desktop)
All progressive lenses comes with distortions, but there are newer lenses (Wide Angle Progressives) with more advance technology to "push" these distortion to areas less noticeable, increasing comfort to the person using it.

As your presbyopia/"老花" crosses the +1.75/+2.00Ds mark, progressive lenses tend to have very limited intermediate zone. Hence, desktop computer/laptop (Intermediate viewing) would prove to be a challenge, even with the Widest Angle Progressive.
To better cater to clients whose daily activities revolves around a lot of near work, a pair of Office or Customized Indoor Progressive lenses would be preferred to maximize comfort & reduce neck strain.
With technological advances, new progressive customization is available in the market almost every year. Wide Angle Office, Customized Laptop, Customized Desktop
Customized Desktop Indoor progressive lenses provides superior intermediate viewing & reading zone while leaving you with the option to occasionally view distance through the top portion of the lenses.
Summary of available Designs

Basic Progressive lenses with all 3 zones (Distance, Intermediate, Reading)
Suitable for:
High Dist Prescription
Low Presbyopia
Not Suitable for:
Low Dist Prescription
Sensitive Eyes
Presbyopia >+1.50Ds
Wide Angle
Works exactly like Basic Progressives but with way less distortion on the sides.
Suitable for:
Any Prescription
Sensitive Eyes
Low/Mid Presbyopia
Not Suitable for:
High Presbyopia + Heavy Laptop/Desktop users

Customized Desktop
Hybrid design (Wide Angle Progressive + Office Lens) Allows users to look at Desktop computer comfortably + Occasional distance
Suitable for:
Desktop Computer use
Low Dist Prescription
High Presbyopia
Not Suitable for:
Customized Laptop
Enhancement from Widest Angle Progressives. With up to 75% more intermediate usable area.
Suitable for:
Laptop Computer use
Post Cataract Surgery
High Presbyopia
Not Suitable for:
Long Mobile usage

Comes with 2 section (Intermediate + near)
Int. distance available: 0.8m | 1.3m | 2m | 4m
Suitable for:
Laptop/ Desktop use
Low/No Dist Prescription
High Presbyopia
Not Suitable for:
Walking around
Wide Angle Office
Enhancement from Office Progressives, with increased usable area at Intermediate
Suitable for:
Multiple Desktop usage
Multiple Laptop usage
High Presbyopia
Not Suitable for:
Walking around

In our point of view, there is no such thing as one single Best brand/design that is suitable for everyone. The best pair for another person might not the best suited for your eyes. Everyone's eyes, habits & lifestyle are different, hence the pair of progressive lenses you use should be customized to your eyes & not choosing a certain brand & design then try to get used to it.
Our recommendations have been & will always be revolving around what suits your eyes best based on your prescription, lifestyle & work habit. Coupled with our expertise in extraocular muscle checks (to make sure both eyes are working in unison), clear comfortable vision using our spectacles is guaranteed.
Progressive lens design Customization is now available in Singapore for users (Add>+1.75) whose work involves alot of desktop/laptop computer use & has issues with their pair of traditional progressive lens designs.
Let us assist you in customizing a pair of progressive lenses to suit your visual demands. Experience up to 75% more intermediate viewing area (Laptop-distance)
See clear, comfortably again with The Eyes Inc.
Drop by our store at Ang Mo Kio or secure a slot here.
***Caution*** Our Progressive lenses can be pretty addictive.
Progressive lens consultation
We do not charge for eye check
1. Getting to know you
Everyone's eye works differently. To understand you better, we'll start off with asking some basic questions like:
What do you need to do on a daily basis?
Your Visual task allocation
How do you feel with your existing pair of progressive lenses?
Discomfort with existing pair, if any.
The 1st and most important step! By understanding your needs & pain point, we'll then be able to better identify & recommend what is best for your eyes.
2. Data Extraction
By drawing these data from your existing pair of spectacles, we can tell what went right, or wrong:
Lens brand, design & index
Fitting height
Prism setting
Bow curve
Lens curve
Lens thickness
3. Extensive Eye Check
Each 10-20 mins session includes the following assessments:
Refraction (distance, intermediate, reading)
Ocular Motility Assessment (extraocular muscle check)
Cataract assessment
4. Results & Recommendations
Once all checks are done, we'll brief you on your prescription, eye condition & cause of your eye discomfort (If any).
In the event you wish to proceed to make a pair, we'll then recommend a suitable standard Progressive lens design or even Customize a pair, based on your needs + requirement & not just force selling branded lenses that doesn't suit you.
Drop by our store at Ang Mo Kio or secure a slot here.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We won't be satisfied until we resolve your eye issues!
If you decide to go ahead and make a pair of recommended spectacles from us, rest assured that your purchase is
We'll happily give you your money back on your purchase if we can't help with or solve the issues you're facing.
*T&C applies